AJ’s Stout Vol. 2 (2022)
Bourbon Barrel-Aged Imperial Stout
AJ’s Stout is meant to represent some of the best of what Triptych has, at least when it comes to aging a big stout in a bourbon barrel. And over the years, the base beer has slowly rounded out, getting bigger and bigger, losing some of its roasty and smoky edges to become something that not only absorbs and enhances the underlying distillery’s bourbon character but also evolves into something new and compelling.
This time, we sampled over our entire barrel inventory to find an eclectic mix of barrels that we thought represented some of the best of our stock. The oldest barrel was almost 3 years old, the youngest was just over a year old, but over half were right in the middle at 2 years. The blend includes barrels from a number of our favorite distillers and the final beer was lab tested at 15.5% alcohol by volume by the heros at Omega Yeast. Expect big notes of char, bourbon rickhouse, seductively deep cocoa and hints of vanillin. Finishing with a pleasant balance of sweet bourbon and dry oak tannin.